1 year leg transformation reddit female exercises. Your body will attempt to balance itself out. and that is the only workouts I do. Starting weight - 140lbs, 5ft11, age 17. ) 15 switch lunges on each leg. You can clearly see that I am much leaner despite the muscle I put on. plank - 4 sets till failure. Progress Pic. About an hour or so before my workout Ill eat another quick meal like a bagel or PP&J, along with fruit or granola Agreed a year following a solid workout plan with progressive overload, 5-6 days a week on 200 mg of test could definitely provide those results for anyone with average genetics. A community for posting - Form Check and Personal Record videos of your own lifts, and videos of cool, big…. Pics. 2-minute Leg Press - 1 x rep it out. I have started adding weight to some of these exercises by filling a backpack with books, please ask any questions if needed :) Day 1: Chest/Biceps/Abs. My numbers: Age 26, 5'8'', 137 lbs. one arm pull up progressions, or weighted pull ups. 3-Sec Pause Hip Thrust 4x5. MindfulMover. (12-15% body fat is six pack-adjacent at least, and about as lean as anyone can “easily” get without getting into hard core methods). This is my one year transformation, this is from March 2020 right after I got quarantined and banished from the gym. Visible muscle with a higher body fat percentage takes longer to show but in my personal opinion is much more impressive. Here is what I do know. The point is to put as much effort as possible into a short 30 minute or less workout. Exercises noted above. TLDR do 5x5. He stayed at roughly the same body fat and put on loads of size. Sep 3, 2019 · These additional workouts isolate the glutes, core, and arms. Edit: So apparently I didn't post this correctly so I'm updating the post. 66 m2, whereas the male values are:1. I want to be clear that I lift AS HEAVY AS POSSIBLE. It took 1yr of bulking & strength training to progress from just being lean to being visibly muscular. seems like a 3+ year transformation to me. This was me senior year. Meal 4 I will have pre-workout two hours later, this is always a Pure whey protein shake with about 60g of blueberries (i read it can increase the blood flow during a workout and provide better pumps) And 3 tabs of MyProtein Thermopure Meal 5 - This will be postworkout shake. Further goals: Get my bench press to 100 kg / 220. Regarding diet, my goal was 4000 calories a day, and 180 grams of protein. First off, massive shout out to Chris Jones (of Pump Chasers, formally of Physiques of Greatness). I'm the one with my shirt off. Visible muscle is highly dependent on body fat. Reply. 3 sets of 8-15, @ 65 lbs Leg Press. And if any of those reasons turn you off, maybe lifting weights for the booty isn’t for you. Like, three different biceps exercises, five sets each. Read the rules BEFORE posting. • 1 yr. if i had to guess here, i would say completely natty but lied about the timeframe. Finish the workout with 15-30 min abs, whatever I feel like doing. Just thought I’d share progress and potentially motivate some people. 8 m, 76 kg and 1. No hormone replacement, or TRT, just whey protein and creatine. Every morning Ill drink a 24 oz protein shake with whole milk and two granola bars. Two years of moderate exercise and strict diet. Impressive! May 13, 2021 · UPDATE: You NEED to also do this new exercise I came up with https://youtu. First pic was start of college (5’9 ~125lbs), worked out for 4 months, moved home due to Covid and didn’t workout at all. Do these sessions post-weight training. Sample Breakfast: 3 large eggs with shredded cheese, 2 pieces of turkey bacon (380 cal 1g carbs 29g fat 29g protein) Protein shake: 3 cups fat free milk, 2 scoops protein powder (serving size is 2 scoops), and 3 tbsp of peanut butter (695 cal 53g carbs 25g fat 64. 95 m2. (Pic: https://ibb. About 12 months. Thank you r/fitness for helping me get to where I am. Day 1 Normal Pushups 8x3 Wide Pushups 8x3 Hindu Pushups 8x3 Close Pushups 6x3. Workout A – Walking Lunges, DB Bench, DB Rows, Reverse Flies, Tricep Pushdown, Concentration Curls, Crunches, Bicycle Crunches, Hanging Leg Raise 15 Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets) Legs- Saturday. All I know about my 1RM is what I got in the IPA meet I participated : 1RM Squat: 355lb. You can find As2488’s store here. 5RM Bench Press: 75lb -> 185lb (nowadays I do Paused Bench Press and my 5RM is 185lb) 5RM Deadlift: 95lb -> 330lb. Thanks for looking and for all the support since I joined Reddit. Results in half a year: Transformed a skinny-fat body into a shredded one. 2 x 20 leg curls. Started when I was 40 and now I’m 42. as natural as puberty. I started working out with homeworkout at like 16. so when they say to stay away from something (like S2S, jelquing, pumps without guage like bathmate etc. First, I warm up with 10-15 mins of mobility training. Then 4 sets of lag extension and leg curls. (Seated or standing) You can split this routine in half and see great results. I got a treadmill and started working on my diet. 5/1 - 135 x 6. Tapered off the calories since feb to around 2500 eating intuitively, knowing roughly what to eat from research before, prioritizing protein. 100 situps on 2 min. co/cGnMTp ) 2 Year Transformation. Good mornings, pull throughs and sumo deadlifts (more advanced exercises so work up to these) For best results and to make a really visible change, I recommend incorporating glute training into your program three times a week. (Chest+Triceps, Back+Biceps, Legs+Shoulders) Focus most of my effort on compound exercises For chest+tricep days, I would do flat dumbbell chest presses and the good ol' fashioned bench press for many sets of 5 reps. Remember triceps make up 60% of your arm mass. My splits would look something like: Day 1: Legs Day 2: Delts + Target Cardio Day 3: Back Day 4: Chest + Target Cardio Day 5: Arms Day 6: Delts - because they’re STUBBORN + Target Cardio Hey, I'm glad I can help in some small way. Day 4 would be a rest day. Good luck and stay focused on your fitness goals Day 1: Chest/Tri Day 2: Back/Biceps Day 3: Rest Day 4: Legs/Shoulders Day 5: Light Chest Day 6: Rest Day 7: Light Back I don't build strength and prefer aesthetics. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. [260 lbs @ 27% BF] Pic 2: 1 year following, became active again in sports and made better dietary choices. Six rounds total will be 18 minutes of work. Mar 24, 2019 · Stacey D – @BOOMFAMF. Here we have the incredible Stacey D. Current stats: 21/M/64kg/5’7” Squat: 120kg Deadlift: 165kg Bench: 90kg. MOD. Day 2 Crunches- 15x3 Toe Touches- 10x3 Leg Lifts- 12x3. Then I get to the real work with 5x5 military press, 5x5 renegade row,5x5 front squat, 5x5 double swings. Quad/Glutes: Back Squats 5x5. Incline dumbbell press, 4x12 Bench press, 4x10 Cable Fly, 4x12 Chest Press Machine, 4x12 Dumbbell fly, 4x12 Preacher EZ bar Curls, 4x12 Dumbbell curls, 3x10 Chin ups, 3x10 Ab Workout at the end. Results in half a year: Went from skinny to muscular and thick. 168K subscribers in the nattyorjuice community. 1 year fitness transformation. 5 scoops of dextrose. So I mainly wanted to focus on arms, back, and booty and put these movements together: Bench Press 15lbs - 5 sets of 8 Lunges 15 lbs - 4 sets of 10 Military Press 12. Would sometimes do a short tricep work out if I felt like it. You can view the pictures on my blog or on imgur. At this point I had basically no muscle and was fairly skinny but still had some body fat. Sometimes she adds some changes to it, but that's her basic workout. 21. And do about 14 to 20 sets (different types of biceps exercises) to failure between 8 and 12 reps with short rest; twice a week. After starting out with CrossFit on the left, she changed her focus over to powerlifting and watching her macros. Started at 102kg and am now at 77kg. Calf exercise 5x15-25: (One-leg calf raise) Abs: Using Athlean-X six-pack app; Looking back this wasn’t the greatest routine, it was just something I got off Youtube but at least it got me started. Then day 5, 6 and 7 would have different variations I actually run a DB home training program called the WERKD program. It shouldn’t be all-out this time but push yourself during those one-minute stretches. 1 year transformation. 43 years old, and former 2 1/2 pack a day smoker (quit over a year and a couple of months now). Congratulations on trying to achieve your fitness goals. For your rest periods with these exercises, limit them to 30 seconds. Took me ages to get my form down right, and it's still my weakest lift. It wasn’t a quick transformation though. lilolmilkjug. For a good couple months that was my motivation. Single leg exercises like these do a phenomenal job of recruiting stabilizing muscles, moreso than the bilateral versions (whether in a squat rack or smith machine). Also swimming with fins and kick board & skipping rope. HIITS: For hiits I would do 1 set per exercise ( pushups, plank, leg raises, kettle bell swing ) and have 10 sec rest before starting the next set. ADMIN MOD. My starting weight was only 119lb but (as you can see) I was not in good shape at all. Background: Started last August when I was 18. Your legs will still probably grow from working out, whether you like it or not. Thank you and sorry for any written mistakes as English is not my first language. Many strength coaches believe they are more functional, and certainly are less risky because of less spinal load. Rest 1 minute between rounds. 25. 1RM Deadlift: 400lb. Background: When I was 19, my girlfriend of three years dumped me hard. Fats: mixed nuts, avocado, egg yolk, I eat around 80g carbs on non workout days and about 1650cals. 1RM Bench Press: 205lb. And do the same for your triceps. The calves profit from higher rep ranges (10+ reps), and you can train them to failure on every set. In First Pic my bw is 46kg. For lunch I eat one of my meal preps along with some other type of snack. Monday: Chest and Side Delts. OP was about 20% BF before, gained about 10-15 lbs of muscle as well as losing 12% BF in a year. 1 year transformation, 19 years old. My 1 year progress: Body Weight: 159lb -> 190lb. 20lbs in one year. May 7, 2020 · Monday — Pull upper body workout (biceps/back) Tuesday — Pull leg workout (hamstrings/obliques) + core. The fitness community (especially on instagram) is filled with before and after pics showcasing serious glute muscle development, but I feel like most of the time the before pic is someone severely underweight but still with genetics to store more fat on the glutes, so it's a much more dramatic and enviable transition once they start eating more and lifting. 3-4 sets squats 3-4 sets hamstring curls/ or RDLs (enjoyabilty matters) 3-4 sets of a single leg exercise. Calculations from the values read at Fig. This is best achieved through training the glutes at least 4 times per week, with two of the glute especially the begginers section. The first part of the week is certain workouts, so for example I use dumbells for chest day of the first week and use bars for the second part of the week. 10-12 reps 3-4 sets 2 exercises per muscle 2-3x week (calves and tibialis 3x, rest 2x) Exercises: I tried them all, now I mostly do leg presses, leg ext, rdls, seated and standing calf raises, hip thrust and tibia raises. The before pic is me a year ago, around 165lbs. edit: I was like 8% body fat at 120 lbs and went to 10. Gains are always easier when you go from never really weight lifting and eating 1200 calories a day, to weight lifting 5 days a week and eating 2500 calories a day. 5 mins of kettlebell halos,good mornings, around the body pass, swings. Wednesday — Push upper workout (chest/shoulders/triceps) Thursday — Push leg workout (quads/calves) + core. Diet: For my diet I kind of just stopped tracking calories. Two year natural transformation. After that I will include some adductor/abductor machines depending on time left. This will lead to your legs fatiguing faster and getting closer to failure within a reasonable number of reps (3 sets of 10-12; failure defined as your foot no longer leaves the floor even with your best efforts to jump as high as possible with the one leg). 1 / 2. Day 2: Back/Triceps/Abs. The size of my calves is probably attributed to genetics, but also growing up as an obese child all my life until recently (don't get me wrong, I'm still big I run this lifting routine only 3 times/week on a rotating basis, so week 1 is workout A,B,A followed by week 2 B,A,B. First of all, my leg day is once a week. Explosive leg exercise 3x8-15: (Squat jump, jumping lunge). OP is pretty lean too making him look like he has more muscle mass than reality. 5g protein) total: 1075 cal, 54g carbs, 54g fat, 93g protein. During my cut I stared every second leg day with 30 min cardio on a bike. TL;DR 3 Video I made for fun!. Just practiced doing sets to reach these goals. You only get one D. Close-Grip Chin-ups 5x3 Normal Pullups- 6x3 Wide grip Pullups- 5x3. If your goal is maximum leg strength, you’ll need to lift weights for the legs. Hi everyone! Like the title says, I feel somewhat lost and would really appreciate any help from you guys. For calves I do about 6 sets and do 3 of them standing and 3 of the seated. I think you're missing the point. Here is my guide on how I got this transformation. Hahah. 6/28 - 185 x 5; 1RM: ~210. (I will need to change my gym for this, as I don't have enough space in my current one in order to even try it. OHP: 5x5@35 to 5x3 @ 55. 3 sets of 7-10, @ 215 lbs I am making gains, though I feel like this isn't enough. Being a short person and female, my requirements to lose weight are mentally difficult, i have to eat something around 1200-1300 calories to lower my body fat because i'm just physically less of a human, which is SO LITTLE food. (Bulgarian split squats) (lunges) (one Legged Leg Press) 3-4 sets of Calves. Squat: 5x5 @ 15-lb barbells; now at 5x5 @ 85. Before & After - one year at the gym. The before pic was 9/21/2015, show date was 3/13/16. 5g protein / kg body weight, roughly 3500 cals. Hello, 4 months back I posted about my friend Mike Joplin’s amazing 1 year bodyweight training transformation on this subreddit and got a VERY positive response. 518K subscribers in the lifting community. kettle bell swings 4 sets till failure. 60 pushups. Bench. Running distance will get you healthy, and you will lose some weight, but to get the results you seek, HIIT is the way to go. 18yo (blue trunks) Some stage shots from my show last weekend, so happy with the progress specially for the time span of working with my new coach, aiming to do a longer prep (18weeks) next year, after my first proper offseason which starts in January 18 votes, 12 comments. iammvaibhav. My focus is still on losing more body fat and working my upper body to gain strength and muscles. Friday: Squarts and legs, abs: Squats 5/3/1 with 5x5-8 FSL, Leg Press 5x5-10, Leg Curl 5x10-20, Leg Extension 5x10-20, any calf raise variant 5x8-30, Hanging Knee Raises 4xF, 50 pullups throughout workout. Get around 5 reps on most compound exercises Focus only on the particular body parts for the given day. I’d still keep the calf volume at at least 6+ sets a week. The reason for the two glute isolation workouts is due to the common goal among women to grow their glutes. HunterHx. 3 sets of 7-10, @ 140 lbs Calf Raises. Can do some calisthenic skills like L-sit, Triple Clap pushups, Aztec pushups, Muscle Up, Single Leg Back Lever and Tucked Planche Trying bulk as cleanly as possible. Stats: Male, 5’10”, 150 lbs, 23 yo. 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. Developed a significantly broader upper body. Reply reply. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Join our Discord Server! Gymnasts are built, but they do longer holds as well as explosive power work. Squats- Max in 5 minutes. My workout split during this time consisted of push, pull, legs at home! I do a modified PPL, so Push A (Chest focused), Pull Day, Leg A (quad focused), Rest, Push B (shoulder focused), Pull Day, Leg B (hamstring focused) Diet is as follows: Meal 1: Tuna and rice bowl + protein yogurt and Muslie. Starting weight: 63kg/139lbs Weight now: 85kg/187lbs Height: 186 cm/6'1. . This is probably only one test cycle of about 16 weeks. TL;DR 2 Before/After Picture Only. I then do a 5 minute single kettlebell full body complex to really get my blood flowing. Before and After . oskarfaarkrog. Today, I would like to share my own transformation story here: My 4 Year Body Transformation Video. The leaner one is the easier it shows. I did my own workouts for the first two months and Bodyfitbalance Glute Guide 1. Went from 197 pounds to my current weight at 165ish. So here's an overview of my first year of taking fitness seriously. Consisted of 5 event, 100 points each. 4. Deadlift: started at 5x5 @ 75lb, now at 1x3 @ 140. Actually I usually go 7 days a week, but one day will be dedicated to a muscle group I 1. g. Hey guys, lepedaler coming with a very informative video explaining my recent 1-year cycling transformation. 5% body fat at 140 lbs. leg raises - 4 sets till failure. Hello r/Fitness , This post is about my one year fitness/bodybuilding transformation. For isolation I stayed in the 8-12 rep range, for compound usually lower, 4-6 reps. 1 year down. Mewing The way I mew is tip of the tongue (1/3) very light force right behind front teeth, middle tongue (2/3) about 30% force, back of tongue (3/3) 60-65% force and the pressure that you use on 1 year transformation 20M (Before/After Pics Inside) These pictures were taken one year apart. 1, most people won't achieve "transformation"-level results in 12 weeks unless they're hyper strict, and 2, most people who stick to it perfectly in that time frame will fall off after. A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people… A split workout doing legs and shoulders day 1, back and biceps on day 2 and doing chest and triceps on day 3. The female has a Height of 1. If you want me to talk more about fitness and opt Happy new year everyone! TL;DR 1 Full IMGUR Album in Chronological Order Including Short Descriptions. 20-5 result in BMRs of 70 and 90 Watts, respectively. She does more reps though, something like 3x10-12 for each. Previous exercise consisted of gym maybe twice a week at best doing pretty much the same couple lifts and machines each day. I'd say my own workouts were really similar to the Glute Guide in terms of focus, leg day frequency, exercises, and workout style! My lower body days. I’d cut hard for 6-12 weeks until you are at 12-15% body fat and can see serious muscle definition. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Also, promising a 12-week transformation is stupid. 20M 186cm/6"1 Aimed to eat between 1500-1800 calories Never tested my 1RM for my lifts so I'll put my The guy who linked this must be an idiot or have some magic secret to putting on muscle to say "only"the participants who were given test and did no exercise gained 7 pounds of muscle IN ONLY 10 WEEKSthe participants who were given test and did exercise (strength training 3 times per week) gained about 13 1/2 pounds of muscle, again IN 3. Other than thatBam. Twelve Month Transformation, 186lbs to 161lbs. 7/30 - 1RM: 230. The Skinny: Male, 205 lbs, 6'4", 22 years old Spoiler alert! Before: 185 lbs, roughly 14% BF After: 205 lbs, 12% BF Chapter I: The Plan: After experimenting with several different workout regimes and many different sports throughout my life I thought it would be interesting to see what results I could get if I committed to an entire year of consistent exercise. Leg press Calf Raise - 3 x 15. After 1 year the difference should be pretty drastic. I now run 8 Kilometers a day and strength train 2. 4 Year Body Transformation: From Skinny-Fat to Fit. My weight has stayed constant since I began lifting. I use 3 scoops of pure whey protein and 1. So here you are. • 2 yr. 4) Borgiee- Reddit. Any leg exercises felt too hard & painful, upper body was always more fun & rewarding. I recommend 1-2min of rest between sets. Man, it's easy to let your weight get out of control! I was 180lbs when I finally knew it was time to get it together (I'm 5'6"). Almost every exercise I do is 3 sets of 12. Pic 1: Overweight with an inner tube around my stomach, moobs, and thunder thighs. About a year ago, I started to include weights at the local gym. From summer 2020-february I was tracking macros everyday eating 1. 6 Pistol Squats (3 sets each side) 10 Bulgarian Split Squat (3 sets each side) 20 Squats (3 sets) 20 Heel Raises (3 sets) Rest- Sunday. 7/20 - 1RM: 225. Starting age: 18 Age now: 19. That day I took the before picture above and swore that I was going to get completely shredded. 3 days (Pull, push, and legs) a week I do exercises for low reps but are high intensity, e. I don't count calories anymore, but I am probably eating at maintenance right now. Natty. Perfectly normal noob gains. And about 150 carbs on workout days with about 1950cals on workout days. I had a pretty good transformation going from 120 lbs to 140 lbs in just under 6 months. Before that, I used to do little to no physical activity ring pull-ups - 4 sets till failure. Cable rear delt exercise: 3-4 sets. . I did this with bodyweight fitness, dumbbells and a pull up bar. Visible six-pack abs. Only 1 year ago I committted to regular exercise (15-20 min 4x a week bodyweight mostly, some kettlebell abs resistance bands), and only 1 month ago I decided to go all in on legs. This lead to a pretty incredible transformation that saw her tone up and drop 5 percent bodyfat. Meal 2: Shake (oats, PB, Banana, Milk) Meal 3: Spaghetti with minced beef, onion, carrot etc. 30 pullups for 100 points , standing broad jump and 300 meter sprint. ago. Hey everyone, it’s officially been one year since I started my calisthenics journey. Mar 12, 2023 · 3) AS2488- Reddit. jensen0173. Lifting routine: My rep ranges aren't always specified, but this is the closest you can come to my program: Monday (Pull) Bench 7-6-5-4-3-2-2 Deadlifts 7-6 This is my before and after photo. For arguments sake lets just say its 12-15kg more lean mass, thats more than Abs Workout • 20 crunches X3 • 25 sit ups X2 • 20 legs raises X3 (Raise them all the way up) • 20 sit ups X1 • 30 seconds bicycle crunches X3 • Mountain Climber (30 seconds) • Elbow Plank (2 minute) Only 10 seconds break between abs exercises • 5 minutes sit up bench. i had a minor injury back when i started last year and i didnt like the fact that i had to take a month off. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Join our Discord Server! B: front squat, military press, deadlifts and some tricep work. It was sponsored by the marine core. Confidenceisbetter. It’s almost impossible to grow one muscle group without growing others to stabilize and balance. Split 1 was the workout I had been using for years and split 2 is more along the lines of how I train now. My show date weight was 109lb and my maintenance weight is 111lb. •. Most people think I workout my legs the most, but in actuality, I work legs the least. Don't get me wrong he definitely added roughly 15 pounds of contractile tissue in a year. However, my legs are super wobbly by the end. Also mixes in some abs, planks, wall sits and treadmill for about 15-20min. That would be sprinting, short burst workouts, jump rope, dots, etc. Amazing what diet and exercise can do for the body. Bench: 5x5 from 45 to 75. Never used weights to workout. ) feel like I didn't get a good enough workout during the past week, or, 2. After about 6 months other people will see a noticeable difference. 1 / 5. Bigger arms and more volume in the chest. On this day, I do: Squats. The first reason for posting here is to give back to the community forum that I have spent countless hours reading every night, be it the hot, new, rising, or controversial category. Not happy about progress after ~1 year of lifting. Mar 29, 2020 · Leg exercise 4x5-12: (Archer squats, pistol squat progression, lunge). Do the following exercises four times in a circuit, without resting between moves. Hopefully this will be helpful for some of you guys out there. Let us compare a female and a male both 21 years of age. As a beginner, if you are on point with sleep/exercise/diet (doesn’t have to be perfect but it has to be consistent), you’ll see a difference in the mirror after about 3 months. Eg Workout 1) Superset (quad focus) A) wall sits (120s, 105s, 90s) B) jumping pistols For a leg workout I'll do: shrimp squats, goblet squats, single leg romanian deadlifts, nordic curls, single leg calf raises, hip thrusts. 5 lbs - 4 sets of 10 Squats - 15 lbs 4 sets of 10 Dips until fail / do as many as possible Squat press until fail / do as many as possible. r/bodyweightfitness. But i have been going pretty hard (4-5 days a week) for another 12 months and definitely see a change. The program changes every month and has a new focus so its no one particular routine. All of my other lifts have been increasing. Hamstring curls (on a machine or stability ball) Stiff leg deadlifts or romanian deadlifts. Second picture was 8 months ago the day I decided to start working out again and bought my gym membership (5’11”, 160lbs) . With most of my carbs before and after my workout. Posted the same thing to r/gainit yesterday. I recommend training calves 1-2x per week, at the end of your leg day. pushups - 4 sets till failure. Before. 4 lbs before 1 year of training and being able to do a single muscle up. First Year Transformation. Since I've started leaning out in the past few weeks, my bench has stalled. Superset: 10 wide high jumps ( Tip: Jump as high as possible and hold for 5 seconds in a deep squat after each jump. 2 sets of 7-10 @ 85 lbs, followed by 1 set of 3-5 @ 110 Romanians. ) i listen! i also am more careful than cavalier. Alternate 2 minutes of low to moderate effort with 1 minute of high effort. 5RM Squat: 110lb -> 305lb. Actual Workout (03/02/2019 - 07/01/2019) At the beginning from March through June, I was hitting every major muscle group around once a week. Pull (Back) Pull-ups: 5-6 sets till failure, drop set with assistance (machine or bands) till failure. My 1 year mewing transformation from the 15 me recently turning 16M. My body is only changing for the better. Total of 25kg and I couldn't be happier. be/b8CRldREAnw as this program gave me such bad shin and ankle pain that would hav At the moment, I do concurrent periodisation. 68 m, weight 58 kg and a surface area of 1. 0 twice after. To target both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle, you should do both standing and seated calf raises. (30 seconds of workout and 30 seconds break. So I started working out last September at home with a set of 15kg dumbbells. I did a lot of bemching and hack squats/leg press, besides the isolation of exercises. I found that really focusing on the form helps a lot more than just pushing out the numbers. Tired. Trained 4 times a week, using the upper/lower body split. To give some context, I started lifting in mid November, 2021 at the age of 23 (Height - 5'9", 175cm). You'll keep getting stronger for sure. [195 lbs] Pic 3: Became serious about weight lifting, 8 month transformation [215 lbs @ 8% BF] While I'm undecided on whether or not they belong in r/fitness I can assure you that they can be used in a perfectly healthy way; millions of people have done it. ) want to work on specifically as a challenge to build. Though this probably isn't the right place to ask questions (i should ask in petite fitness). The timeframe really depends on each individual. Rack pulls: working up to my heaviest weight, 3 sets till failure, drop set two or three times. Diet. The other 3 days (one rest day), I do the same muscle groups, but for higher reps, so I would do normal pull ups, normal ring dips, things like that. 10 stepup jumps on bench on each leg. But if I had to guess I’d say I eat around 2000-2500 calories a day. That's the main thing I've taken from this thread, is that these are all people who've seriously put the effort in. Since then, I’ve been fucking grinding home workouts lmao. Carbs: brown rice, oats, sweet potatoe, steamed green veggies. mq ht pj hi ii bp qw fh oi qr